Student Accounts & Billing
Louisburg College is committed to providing exceptional customer service to its students and their families. Managing educational finances can be challenging during the educational career of a student. Most often, even after receiving financial aid, there is a balance owed to the college. Our staff are here to assist you with arranging payment options.
Student Account Representative
(919) 497-3272
Please Note: Staff may not return calls during peak times (Hurricane Prep Days, Check-Ins, and
Graduation) for up to three business days. The best way to reach your student account
representative with any concerns or questions is
Normal Operating Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The college closes its offices on all major holidays including Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Winter Break (December 20 to January 3).
Student Billing Statements
The finance office mails billing statements to the student’s home address each month after the beginning of a term. Students and parents are also able to view a student’s statement online once given access to their student’s portal.
Louisburg College Payment Plan
Louisburg College offers payment plan options to meet your needs. Plans allow you to pay your bill in monthly installments each semester. The fall payment plan option runs from August to December 31, and the spring payment plan option runs from January 1 to May 31. The student must satisfy all payment arrangements by the end of each semester or as outlined in your contract.
To expedite your student's check-in process, the financial services office recommends that students set up payment plans in advance of the semester. Please contact your student accounts representative for payment plan forms. Students can email these forms directly to their student account representative, or mail them to the following address:
501 N. Main St
Louisburg, NC 27549
Statement of Financial Responsibility
As outlined in the terms and conditions, the college retains the right to contact both the student and the responsible party to collect a delinquent payment. After two unsuccessful processing attempts, the college will cancel payment plans and the account will be due in full unless the party makes acceptable payment arrangements. All delinquent student accounts 90 days or older are turned over to a collection agency.
Payment Options
Louisburg College accepts:
- Check, Money Order, or Cash
- Debit or Credit Card
- Louisburg College Payment Plan (Automatic draft from debit/credit card)
Attention Check Writers
Checks are gladly accepted. The finance office verifies checks through ChecXchange. You authorize Louisburg College to electronically debit or bank draft your account for fees associated with checks returned for insufficient funds. The use of a check is your acknowledgment and acceptance of this policy and its terms and conditions.
Please include the following information on your check:
- Full Name
- Street Address
- Valid Phone Number
- Student Name and Student ID
All payments can be mailed to:
Louisburg College
Attn: Financial Services Office
501 N. Main Street
Louisburg, NC 27549
Parking Permits
Parking permits are available for purchase at Hurricane Prep Day events, fall and spring check-in, and in the Financial Services Office. The cost is $75.00/year with a completed vehicle registration form that includes the make and model of your vehicle and your vehicle’s tag numbers.
Replacement Student ID Cards
The Student Life Office issues ID cards to students when they first arrive at Louisburg. The cost to replace a lost or damaged ID card is $35.00.